Đại Lý Scheuch Tại Việt Nam - Scheuch Việt Nam

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Nhà phân phối Scheuch tại Việt Nam
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Đại Lý Phân Phối Scheuch Tại Việt Nam


► Scheuch cung cấp các thiết bị cho các ngành công nghiệp như: Gỗ, thép, khai thác khoáng sản, thủy tinh.....

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A. Scheuch Fil­tra­tion & Sep­a­ra­tion

1. Bag filters

Cus­tomized tech­nolo­gies for every ap­pli­ca­tion.


2. Cartridge filter

Three times the fil­ter area with the same con­struc­tion vol­ume


3. Hot-gas filter

With its new hot-gas fil­ter tech­nol­ogy, the pi­o­neer in air pol­lu­tion con­trol is re­veal­ing the fu­ture of ex­haust gas clean­ing and de­dust­ing. This opens up com­pletely new sys­tem con­cepts for eco­nom­i­cal and en­vi­ron­men­tally friendly dust sep­a­ra­tion and pol­lu­tant re­duc­tion.

4. Electrostatic precipitator

For­ward-think­ing tech­nol­ogy for flue gas de­dust­ing.


5. Cyclone and multi-cyclone

Cen­trifu­gal and grav­ity sep­a­ra­tors com­prise all me­chan­i­cal sep­a­ra­tors used for the sim­ple re­moval of dust and pre-sep­a­ra­tion of par­ti­cles from the ex­haust gases cre­ated by com­bus­tion


6. Spark separator

Pro­vides spark pro­tec­tion in fab­ric fil­ters.


B. Scheuch Con­vey­ing sys­tems


1, Rotary valves

Ro­tary valves are used to dis­charge dust, chip­board shav­ings and fi­brous con­veyed goods, and as shut-off de­vices. A range of de­signs are avail­able to suit var­i­ous re­quire­ments, with through­put vol­umes to ac­com­mo­date every case.


2, Conveyor screws

For in­di­vid­ual re­quire­ments

3, Pendulum flaps

The flex­i­ble struc­ture of the Scheuch pen­du­lum flaps en­ables re­li­able chan­nelling and sep­a­ra­tion of free-flow­ing bulk ma­te­ri­als out of and into pres­sure-dif­fer­ence cham­bers (e.g. fil­ter sys­tems), at tem­per­a­tures of up to 250 °C.


4, Pneumatic conveying

Safe and re­li­able trans­port of ma­te­r­ial


5, Pipe and duct components

In­di­vid­u­ally planned, op­ti­mally de­signed

6, Shut-off, control and flow control mechanisms

But­ter­fly and con­trol but­ter­fly valves are used to re­strict or com­pletely block the flow of gases in or­der to ad­just the flow to a plan­t’s op­er­at­ing con­di­tions. They are avail­able in stain­less steel or black and gal­va­nized sheet metal ver­sions.


Đại Lý Scheuch Tại Việt Nam - Scheuch Việt Nam

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